Ex Nihilo Academy Read online

Page 6

  “How are you enjoying the new school?” Rowan breaks the silence first.

  “It’s okay, I guess. It’s not like anything I’m used to.” I say truthfully.

  “I hear that Ex Nihilo is very prestigious. I’ve met a few kids from there before. They come into town from time to time but mostly keep to themselves. That is if we’re lucky.” He says the last bit under his breath.

  “You don’t seem to think much of the place, or the people for that matter.”

  “Let’s just say we don’t get along. It’s a rivalry that goes back a long time.”

  “What Greasers verses Socs? Jets verses Sharks?” I tease and he snorts.

  “You are way too young for either of those pop culture references, but yes something like that.”

  “What can I say I like old movies. Who doesn’t love ‘The Outsiders’ or ‘West Side Story’? And it’s not like you were around for them either. What are you like twenty?” I say, draining the last of my latte.


  “And you’ve never thought about college?”

  “Of course I’ve thought about it. It’s just my father… I have responsibilities here… it’s complicated.” I stand up and walk my empty cup over to the garbage can to where group of guys in their early teens are openly staring at me. One leans over and whispers something to his friends and they all laugh. I walk back and sit down next to Rowan. “What’s there problem?” I frown and he shakes his head good-humoredly.

  “It’s not a problem, really. They are gawking at you because you’re beautiful.” Rowan thinks I’m beautiful? The thought sends a jolt right through me and I have to look away.

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I’m afraid I do, but you cannot fault a man for looking at a pretty girl. Anyway, you seem like the type who can take care of herself.” His observation makes me simultaneously blush and smile.

  “So how’s your girlfriend?” I ask and it’s his turn to blush.

  “She’s fine. She’s very busy at school.” His says in a clipped voice.

  “What’s her name?”

  “Jenny.” He shifts away from me and clears his throat.

  “I get the feeling you don’t want to talk about Jenny.”

  “You’d be right about that feeling.”

  “Okay, message received. So what is there to do for fun around here?” Sensing his discomfort I try to change the subject.

  “Not much.” He laughs. “But if you don’t have plans tomorrow night you should come and see my band play. We have a show at a pub in Portaferry just across the way.” “You’re in a band? That is so cool. What kind of music do you play?” I am genuinely impressed.

  “It’s sort of a mix of punk and alternative.”

  “Wait, you are playing in a pub? How am I even supposed to get in?” I consider this and he just shrugs.

  “It’s Ireland. Anyone can come in.”

  “I will definitely come then. Music has gotten me through a lot of hard times so I always try and pay my respects.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. I feel the same way. Music is my second great love.”

  “And what is your first?” I say playfully and he stares back at me, his eyes serious.

  “I’ll let you know.”

  * *

  The old truck that Rowan insisted I drive is idling at the dock as I wait for the ferry to arrive. He left earlier with his band to set up so I’m stuck getting to Portaferry on my own. The boats are supposed to come every half an hour and I check my watch, which reads almost seven thirty. There are only a few cars waiting and they are lined up on the slipway behind me. I glance down to check my outfit for the tenth time since I left the house. I’m wearing a white American Apparel tank dress under a dark wash jean jacket and navy cork wedges that wrap around my ankles. For jewelry I have on the simple silver pendant my mom gave me and diamond studs. I went with my usual make up of mascara, lip stain and a bit of bronzer and I blow dried my hair straight. It’s been awhile since my last visit to the hairdresser and it’s grown out so it’s now touching between my shoulder blades. I try and tell myself that I’ve dressed up for no one but me and that it couldn’t possibly be because a guy with a pair of deep set, dark blue eyes and impossibly long lashes has asked me to come and watch him play.

  “He has a girlfriend.” I mutter to myself as the ferry arrives and we load on to it. Once I’m on board I buy a ticket and then roll down the windows to enjoy the cool evening air. The water is calm with only a few sailboats dotting the horizon and the sky is streaked with orange and indigo from the fading sunset. It is beautiful and it makes me think of home and I’m hit by a sudden wave of incredible sadness.

  We unload from the ferry and I park on the street and walk to the pub, which I find just a few streets over. It is in a boxy white building with green shuttered windows that is located on a narrow one-way street. I can hear the music blaring from inside and people are spilling out from the open front doors. I elbow my way through the crowd which is mostly young, except for a few old men flanking the bar and a few end-of-season tourists that have that deer-in-headlights look that I only recognize because I’ve worn it myself.

  I order myself a coke and push my way to the front. The last band has just finished up and Rowan is making his way on stage with his guitar in hand. His eyes find me and he smiles, totally ignoring the girl to my right who is shrieking at him. I feel a surge of pleasure that he’s singled me out given all of the girls who have flocked to the stage. He’s wearing black jeans with motorcycle boots and a fitted gray dress skirt with the sleeves rolled up, paired with a skinny tie. His mop of auburn curls fall all around his face and he runs a hand through it before waving to his band to join him on stage.

  “Hello everyone! We are ‘The Fallen Ones’ and we thank you for being here tonight.” His voice is warm and deep as it echoes through the crowd. There are three others in the band, all blond-haired, broad and easily as tall as Rowan’s six foot five inches. I’m immediately struck by how handsome and commanding they all are. They start into their set and the music is just as Rowan promised - punk with a softer more melodic edge. His voice is rich and mournful and he looks right at me when he sings. His eyes search mine and I blush and look away feigning interest in the décor of the bar instead. The place is low ceilinged with dark wood panels on the walls and floor. Vintage bar signs advertising different Irish beers are mounted above the bar and there is an unlit fireplace in the corner with an all-too-familiar vampire standing beside it. Luca is dressed from head to toe in black clothing that looks more expensive than my entire wardrobe combined. His mahogany hair is slicked back and his full lips are twisted into a smirk. The way he stares back at me makes me suddenly feel very self-conscious. How long has he been looking at me? A group of students I recognize from school are sitting at a table beside him talking and laughing but he just stands there staring in a way that makes my stomach flutter, so I stick out my tongue at him and turn back to the stage. I wish I could say that I’m surprised he’s here but I’m not considering there are no other options for entertainment in this hellhole county. I glance over at the fireplace again and he’s gone.

  “Enjoying the show, princess?” He whispers in my ear and I just about jump out of my skin. He is standing beside me now, leaning against a wooden post.

  “Yes, actually.” I recover myself while wondering if his new nickname for me is meant as a term of endearment or an insult.

  “What brings you to Portaferry?” He asks.

  “My friend is in the band.” I gesture at the stage.

  “Your ‘friend’? So you’re sleeping with the enemy now? That didn’t take long.” There is an edge to his voice that I can’t quite read. I scowl at him and repress the urge to slap the self-satisfied look right off his face.

  “I’m not sleeping with anyone and what exactly do you mean by the enemy? Are you referring to humans?” He ignores my question and just shakes his head. “What are you doing here then?
Isn’t a place like this filled with the ‘enemy’?” I mock whisper, rolling my eyes.

  “There are a few of us from school come into town to mingle with the locals. It’s a lot like watching animals at the zoo. And if I’m lucky a beautiful girl might stick her tongue out at me every once in awhile.” His voice is smooth and confident, laced with just a trace of his Italian accent. He moves close enough so that our toes touching and I can feel my heart beat speed up. He must feel it too because he raises an eyebrow in question.

  “Look, if you don’t mind I’m trying to hear the music.” I say as I step away, embarrassed by the way my body’s betraying me.

  “I’m sure it’s the music you are interested in.” He shoots a pointed look at Rowan. “Why are you still here?” I raise my voice and shove against his chest, which feels like slapping my hands against a brick wall, but he just captures my hands in his and holds them against him.

  “Let me go.” My heart beat is now thudding in my ears. Rowan’s band has finished their set and out of the corner of my eye I see him on stage watching the exchange between Luca and I. He doesn’t look impressed. I push past Luca through the crowd and make my way outside. I can’t figure out why he has such a problem with me or why he even cares what I’m doing here. The street is crowded out front and I decide that I need some air so I cross the road to stand on the opposite curb. I want to head back in to tell Rowan how good they were but I need a minute to myself first. The air is cold enough that I have goose bumps on my arms and legs so I pull my jacket tight around my body and rub my hands together. It is pitch black out and the only illumination on the road is headlights moving toward me that are getting brighter as they near. That’s when two things happen simultaneously: to the left I see Rowan emerge from the bar with his hand raised in a wave and to the right I see a sleek black sports car jump the curb as it races toward me on the sidewalk. I stumble backwards and the car swerves into my path mirroring my movement. I hear Rowan yell right before I feel the pressure of two strong arms wrapping around my waist and pushing me out of the way. Seconds later my chest is crushed against a brick building and I try to struggle out of the hold.

  “Relax, Lily.” Luca is at my back shielding me. I hear the tires screech and the car peel off down the street before he finally releases me. Rowan is at my side in an instant and he grabs my hand and pulls me away from Luca.

  “My God, are you alright? You gave me a hell of a scare.”

  “Looks like I saved your date’s life, Savage.” Luca says flatly.

  “I can take care of my date just fine.” Rowan growls. Wait, what? His date? Why isn’t Rowan correcting him and how does Luca know his name?

  “You guys know each other?” I ask, thoroughly confused. My pulse is still racing from the near collision so I almost miss how they are glaring at each other with barely concealed contempt.

  “We’ve met before.” Luca speaks first and Rowan snorts.

  “Yeah, we’ve met. Thanks for the help, Morello, but I think I’ve got it from here.” He says sarcastically and Luca just shrugs.

  “I’ll see you at school then, princess.” He walks back across the street to where his vampire friends are watching the scene with interest.

  “How do you know him?” I ask Rowan who’s staring after Luca with a look of pure disgust on his face, making me wonder if he can unconsciously sense Luca’s otherness.

  “A few friends and I had a run in with him a long time ago and I don’t trust him. Look, I’m not going to tell you what to do but if I were you I’d stay away. Luca Morello is bad news.” At this point I’m more than a little exhausted from all of the testosterone swirling around so I take a deep breath to steady my nerves before speaking.

  “Thanks for the advice but as you previously pointed out I am very good at taking care of myself. Maybe you should take your own advice and be careful around him?” I say and he gives me a level look.

  “You don’t think I can handle Luca?” He asks, hurt flashing in his eyes and I know that I am entering dangerous territory. Luca is a vampire with speed, strength and power on his side but how can I say this to Rowan without offending his male ego? I decide that I can’t so I change the subject instead.

  “Hey, what’s with not correcting him when he called me your date?” I put my hands on my hips and Rowan shrugs apologetically.

  “I didn’t think it was important.”

  “Your girlfriend might disagree.” I say, trying to keep my frustration in check. He folds his arms across his chest and stares at the ground.

  “Does it matter that I didn’t correct him?” He’s trying to act casual but I think I detect a note of jealousy.

  “I don’t know.” I answer honestly. It’s pretty clear that Luca can’t stand me, but do I feel the same? Frankly it’s not any of Rowan’s business and I don’t want to fight about it so I move on to a safer topic. “You guys were great tonight. Like really, really good.” He looks at me again and his eyes soften.

  “Thank you for coming. I’m glad you were here.”

  “Have you played together for long?” I ask and he nods shyly.

  “I’ve known these guys forever. They are like family to me.”

  “You are one very tall and very muscular family.” I tease. “Seriously, the four of you should start a basketball team. I already feel tiny enough standing next to just you.”

  “Yeah, we do stand out in a crowd I guess. Come on then, let’s go back in and I can introduce you properly.” He holds out his arm and I loop mine through his. “You know that I’m just trying to look after you, right?” He sighs.

  “I appreciate the thought but you don’t have to look after me. I may not be a giant but I’m used to looking out for myself.” I laugh and shove him playfully.

  “Watch who you are calling a giant! How’s the weather down there?” He pats my head. “Well, at least you are closer to God up there.” I say and his eyes widen as his mouth breaks into a smile.

  “More than you know, little one.” He pulls me in front of him, holding me against his chest as he uses his body to clear a path for us through the crowd. Just before we reach the table where his band is sitting he leans down and whispers in my ear. “For the record, I’m just taking the piss. I love that you’re tiny, in fact I think you’re perfect just the way you are.” His breath tickles my neck and he smells like cut grass and mint and boy and it sends tingles all the way down my spine. I know that by not pulling away I’m sending the wrong message but it feels so good being pressed against him with his arms looped tightly around my waist. I can’t deny that I do feel a connection to Rowan but he has a girlfriend which makes him strictly off-limits in my eyes. I slip out of his embrace and take the chair next to the drummer.

  “So this is the wee lass you’ve been talking about? The name’s Tom.” He offers me one hand, the other holding the remnants of a pint of beer. “Yer a sweet one, aren’t ya? No wonder he’s been going on and on.” I look up in time to see Rowan cringe.

  “Leave her alone Tom, you’re langered.” He says and Tom chuffs. Tom has a blond buzz cut and light blue eyes. He is wearing military-style pants and a tight black t-shirt that showcases a set of thick, ropy biceps.

  You’ll have to excuse Tom, he’s Scottish.” Rowan says as if that answers everything and the drummer quickly loses interest in teasing me. Rowan goes around the rest of the table and makes the introductions. In addition to the drummer, Tom, there is Danny the bassist and Charles the other guitarist. I can’t get over how incredibly tall and broad they are with their big arms, wide shoulders and thick, powerful legs. They all have strong features and smooth creamy complexions, and all three seem a lot older than Rowan.

  “They’re all so….blond. Are they related?” I whisper to Rowan and he laughs.

  “They’re sort of half-brothers.”

  “Sort of?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “It seems to me like all of your stories are long ones.”

ng like that.” He winks then shoves Danny out of his chair so he can sit down beside me.

  Danny slides into the next spot over. The bassist has pin-straight white blond hair that falls just below his chin. He is wearing baggy jeans and a loose button up and when I try to smile at him he flushes and stares down at the table. He definitely seems to be the most reserved of them all. Rowan gets up to get another round of drinks and I look across the table at Charles who’s watching me very intently. Charles is probably the most handsome of the three brothers with his curly straw blond hair and wholesome good looks. He is wearing a form fitting sweater, distressed jeans and one hell of a smirk.

  “So what do you think of our Rowan?” He asks as his cold gray eyes bore into mine.

  “I’ve only known him for a short period of time but I think he’s great. I’m lucky to have him to show me around.”

  “He’s one of a kind alright and he seems to be invested in you already. Just be careful. He’s not used to getting close to people.” Charles levels me with a look and I can’t help but think that is weird that he’s warning me off, considering that I’m sitting at a table with three people who seem very close to Rowan. It’s three people more than I have in my life right now.

  “I’m not sure exactly what you are trying to say but I have a lot of respect for Rowan. He’s a good guy, I enjoy his company and I’m grateful to him, but so we’re clear I haven’t given him any impression otherwise.”

  “Ah but Lily you don’t give a man impressions, he just has them whether you want him to or not. Maybe he can’t help it but you can. All I’m asking is that you watch yourself.”

  Rowan returns and we all sit for another hour talking and laughing until I’m fighting to keep my eyes open. As I cover my mouth to stifle a yawn Rowan stands. “Let me take you home.” He says and I wave him away.